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Our aim
- To promote friendship and understanding between Pacific China friendship associations and China;
- To encourage the establishment of China Friendship Associations in the Pacific region;
- To promote and participate in projects of mutual interest, including cultural, educational and economic activities;
- For Association Members to mutually support each other as friends and allies in the development of our objectives and activities;
- To regularly disseminate information between Members regarding regional matters and China;
- To strive to correct misunderstandings, inaccuracies or misleading information published about any Member or China;
- To sponsor or provide as far as practicable, assistance and/or material aid or information to Members; and
- To enter into strategic partnerships with other like organizations in order to advance the aims of the Association.
- At national level, each national Friendship Association operates autonomously from PCFA,
- PCFA, collectively through the different Friendship Association, has vast experience in people-to-people relationships with China.
- PCFA proposes a double approach:
- An individual country approach, through each autonomous Friendship Association, to better recognize country-specific priorities,
- A regional approach to better acknowledge our common challenges and opportunities.