The Princess Royal, Her Royal Highness, Princess Salōte Mafile’o Pilolevu Tuita
Permanent Patron and Board Chairperson
1. Who & What Is the PCFA?
∙ Founded in 2016, PCFA boasts 16 member-countries, with a 2-tiered approach: o regional, to better acknowledge our common challenges and opportunities, and o individual, to better recognise country-specific priorities.
∙ The PCFA is represented in: American Samoa, Australia, Cook Islands, Federated States of Micronesia (Yap), Fiji, French Polynesia, New Zealand/Māori, Tonga, Vanuatu, New Caledonia, Solomon Islands, Niue, Palau, Samoa, Wallis & Futuna, and Hawaii (US Chapter) as a sister organisation.
∙ The PCFA is a non-political, non-government organisation (NGO), run by volunteers. To be a PCFA Member, a country must have a China Friendship Association, recognised by the CPAFFC.
∙ The PCFA’s primary objective is to help Pacific nations learn more about China – its past, its current achievements and challenges, and its on-going development. PCFA offers its members
insights on China, and helps Pacific Islanders develop a better understanding of China for relationships to be fostered between people of both regions.
∙ The PCFA advocates the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), working towards a promising future where all cultures are cherished, and Pacific-China relations can ensure a better future.
2. What PCFA Stands For
∙ To encourage the establishment of China Friendship Associations in the Pacific.
∙ To encourage a Pacific version of BRI, namely the Maritime Pearl Road, to enhance all fields of endeavour, growth, and harmony in the region.
∙ To promote friendship and understanding between all Members and China. ∙ To co-operate in projects of mutual interest: cultural, educational, economic.
∙ To disseminate information between present and future Members in matters of benefit or advantage to the Membership together or separately.
∙ To work to correct misunderstandings, inaccuracies and misleading information published about any Member and China.
∙ To provide information of undertakings or activities to promote people-to-people friendship, respect and understanding to all.
∙ To assert independence and endorse an independent Pacific without fear or favour. ∙ To ensure social, environmental, cultural and economic considerations in multilateral and bilateral development projects it advocates.